Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Constant whirlwind of change!!

This blog entry is going to be colorful because my son is on my lap ;-)

So when I think that the world is finally going to crash in on me, I receive word from my BF
finally. I'm still not happy with him after we spoke, but at least I know he's alive.

Sometimes I think, How could he?!? But then I get jolted back into my reality, and honestly feel better without his drama around me. He's where he started and that's that. Maybe he doesn't want to come back-maybe he does?.. all he says he needs is "time." I wish he could be more specific instead of giving me this vague "time" bullshit.

But since this blog is not focused on what is happening with the baby's father and more about the baby-let's get to that!

I had my Level II ultra sound on Monday morning and finally found out that what I have been concerned about for the past 3 weeks-The Choriod Plexus Cyst-is gone!! The baby looks fine, is growing normally and measures about 1 pound and 1 ounce and 21 weeks and 5 days.

Here's what I look like so far....

It's always difficult to sleep, and my dreams are more vivid than I ever remembered..Here's what the little dude looks like: He's pointing at what I think is his other arm, or leg..Here is the other pic: I actually saw the baby's retina outlines too-it was very creepy looking-haha. This is his face with his eyelids sealed together. Both are very E.T.-ish, huh?
Here's the main man in my life: always bringing on the charm.. He's super excited about being a BIG BROTHER!

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