Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Could anything else be happening right now!?!


I can't get comfortable, can't eat anything that makes me feel full, and here I am typing at 10:30pm. It's past my bedtime. I felt strange all day. My boyfriend told me that if he didn't call from where he is being held; it's because he wasn't going to be there. Sure enough, he is now in immigration's hands, and being ready to be deported. I have mixed feelings about all of this. I know what our future plans are, but being pregnant alone was never one of them. I haven't been able to touch my boyfriend since January 16th at 9pm. Last kiss until God knows when. I wasn't even showing yet.

Rewind to yesterday..

I had my second checkup with the midwives and they gave me a new due date: July 14th. They also told me that they found something during the Ultra Sound. I never thought Ultra Sounds had results-until now. Little Timothy Joseph has a "Choroid Plexus Cyst" on the right side of his brain.
They also told me not to worry. I'm not sure who they realize who they are talking to!?! I am pregnant!! I worry about today, about tomorrow, about the birth, about stretchmarks, about if I am feeling kicking or not, I worry about umbilical cords, amniotic fluid supply..EVERYTHING!
I passed the Quad screen-which is the test for Down Syndrome and Spinabifida..and that was all fine and dandy. But with this cyst, it could mean that there is a Chromosome imbalance, which is VERY scary. But, they don't want me to worry.. interesting.

Back to today..

I feel kicking all the time and I don't want to think about my unborn child having any problems that they are going to have to wait until he is born to thoroughly diagnose him with anything. For now, they ordered that I have another Ultra Sound that will determine if that cyst is gone or not. It usually goes away in the third trimester. I am 20 weeks right now.

Here is a profile of the (first) Ultra Sound - -
Please pray for us..


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