Friday, October 5, 2007

Where has the time gone!!!!

I have been through a couple more classes since I last wrote something, so I will bring you all up to speed.. I am still working at the restaurant and loving it. Unfortunately we lost two of the funniest guys, so I decided to take the funniest guys from my class, and make them apply there. They both work there now, by the way. :-)

What else...umm..oh, my Literature teacher just told me that I am on the school's new website a total of 4 times. The photographers came in when I was in my advanced baking class, and basically set up camp right by my station. The photographer mentioned that I had this positive vibe about me and that made me look like I was excited about everything I was doing. It was fun to be a part of. The website is and there are 2 pics on the front page in the loop, one it's just my body and I am frosting a cake, and one is of my hands and I am about to cut a strawberry. Then on the "contact us" page, I am sitting with one of my classmates, James, and we are both looking pretty tired. Then on the "learn more" link on the front page, there is a pic of me frosting the cake again! Just thought I would share...

Have a good weekend! I will be working hard!

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